ГДЗ решебник по английскому языку 6 класс тесты Севрюкова, Калишевич
- английский язык 6 класс
- Издательство: Аверсэв
- Тип книги: тесты
- Авторы: Севрюкова Т.Ю., Калишевич А.И.
- Год издания: 2022-2023
- Страна учебника: Беларусь, г. Минск
- Цвет обложки: Оранжевый
Выберите задание
Vocabulary. Grammar. Writing
Unit 2. Nature and wildlife at home and abroad
Unit 3. Belarus - my fair land
Unit 4. Stories in books and films
Unit 5. Helping around the house
Unit 6. Are you a foodie?
Unit 7. School: bells and breaks
Unit 8. A book or a film?
Unit 9. Hobbies and holidays
Unit 1. Summer hobbies. Unit 2. Nature and wildlife at home and abroad
Unit 3. Belarus - my fair land. Unit 4. Stories in books and films
Unit 5. Helping around the house. Unit 6. Are you a foodie?. Unit 7. School: bells and breaks
Unit 8. A book or a film?. Unit 9. Hobbies and holidays
Unit 1. Summer hobbies. Unit 2. Nature and wildlife at home and abroad
Unit 3. Belarus - my fair land. Unit 4. Stories in books and films
Unit 5. Helping around the house. Unit 6. Are you a foodie?. Unit 7. School: bells and breaks
Unit 8. A book or a film?. Unit 9. Hobbies and holidays